Nicholas Harb

Licensed Real Estate Agent

0427 530 419

About Nicholas

As a licensed real estate agent, Nicholas brings extensive industry knowledge and as a Hills resident, born and bred, he knows every corner of the area. But he didn’t just come in off the streets of the Hills district. He holds a Bachelor of Business, with a Major in Property Economics. He has a vast knowledge in sales & property management - a great all-round education in property!

Nicholas isn’t just a real estate professional, he loved the field even as a kid, and today he keeps a keen eye on local developments, especially in the Norwest region. Personally, he spends his time trying to better the lives of his loved ones, and trains every morning to ensure he’s in peak physical and mental condition to carry out his work to his own exacting standards. 

What sort of service can you expect from Nicholas? The sort of service you’ll get from a committed, consistent, customer-oriented agent – the kind Agius property Group employs.